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03-28-11 Public Works Committee
Richard D. Woycik, Chair
Daniel Amaral
James S. Belden
Kathy Fetchick

                   Legislative Council Public Works Sub Committee
Minutes for Meeting of March 28, 2011

Attendees: Daniel Amaral, James Belden, Kathy Fetchick, Richard D. Woycik
Town Department Representatives present: Fred Hurley, Amy Mangold, Carl Samuelson

Richard Woycik, Chair, opened the meeting at 12:35.

Public Participation: No members of the public were in attendance.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss Public Works and Parks & Recreation Budget requests for the 2011-2012 Budget.

Mr. Woycik began questioning of Mr. Hurley in regards to line items under #500- Administration, in particular which positions were non-bargaining unit positions. It was stated that only Hurley, Bollmer and Bratz were non-bargaining unit positions and that road supervisors are in the union as are the road crew employees.

Also noted was that the contracts were set for a couple more years including a 1.5 to 1.75% salary increase, but that this Budget included no “merit-based” raises, only contractual. The committee asked Mr. Hurley to supply hourly rate average for DPW employees as soon as possible.

Other items were discussed, such as the tree surgeon and tree removal contracts items. Item #1006- Benefits were broken down to better understand it’s components. Most of the items were contractual bargaining unit items, such as clothing allowances, but a large part is represented by contractual “longevity” bonuses. This item was of concern to the Committee. Also included here is the mandatory drug testing for employees operating equipment. Also discussed was the fuel cost and that although there is money paid by the Board of Education for school buses, all other Town vehicles, including Police, are using this fuel.

The Committee requested Mr. Hurley to supply what exactly was spent on the “longevity” item the current Fiscal Year.

Expenses for street lights, private road maintenance, training/courses were discussed and scrutinized. Item # 5080 under Capital expense was noted and Mr. Hurley explained that the purchase of a sweeper was extended from 3 to 4 years which will include a trade-in of the old equipment.

Contractual Services- #4060, was discussed at length. Much of the additional expenses this year were incurred due to hiring snow removal services and is always an item that is unknown prior to the coming winter. This Budget includes a proposed plan for contractual street sweeping that will allow the Town to perform all sweeping by early summer partly with Town equipment and partly through contract. The bidding appears to be more economical than in past. Mr. Belden noted the need for maintenance of such things as curbs damaged during the winter.

Mr. Woycik asked about Landfill operations and the financial plus impact of closing on Mondays this year. Mr. Hurley stated that there are 3 employees. Due to having Saturday operations there is necessary overtime, but there appears to be a $15,ooo savings by closing Monday. Overtime request in this Budget is $11,000 as opposed to $24,000 in the past.

Mr. Woycik asked if there any open positions in the Department. Mr. Hurley replied “no.”

Mr. Woycik and Mr. Amaral asked questions regarding road crew composition. Mr. Hurley described that the task dictated the crew size, such as 2 people for road patching, or up to five for tree removal, etc. Mr. Hurley stated that the staffing of the Department and its crews is directly related to snow removal and winter maintenance and is not sized to maintain the roads completely, thus the need for contractual services.

Mr. Woycik asked what the impact would be if there was a position cut from the Budget. Mr. Hurley said that they are just staffed enough to manage the winter maintenance, with the vast amount of road maintenance being done with help of contracting already. He feels that they are very efficient at the winter maintenance and reductions risk their ability to perform and provide for safety.

The discussion focused more on productivity and efficiency. The Committee questioned how could there be greater efficiency and productivity through the management of bargaining-unit staff. Mr. Belden mentioned that it is understood that contractual services are needed to supplement Town crews for some of the road work, but the Committee is interested in seeing optimization of Town crews which could minimize need for outside contracting.

Mr. Amaral did ask however if the use of more contracting for snow removal services would reduce the need for Town crews and equipment purchases. Mr. Hurley said that it is a careful balance to ensure emergency services and emergency access across town by being staffed and equipped sufficiently. Mr. Amaral also asked about the purchase of other equipment and the need to keep capital expense to a minimum.

On the issue of winter maintenance, Mr. Belden asked regarding the road salt management plan for the Town. That such as plan not only addresses environmental concerns but the reduction of costly materials and an efficient strategy on how to implement them. Mr. Hurley replied that they do have a plan that is progressive and that they have seen a staggering reduction in the usage of sand.

With the completion of the review with Mr. Hurley the Committee brought in Parks & Recreation Department Director Amy Mangold and Assistant Director Carl Samuelson.

Mr. Woycik began with questions regarding item #1002- Administration. He asked why there was an increase and Ms. Mangold replied that this was only due to contractual pay raises to bargaining unit employees and there were no other pay increases or additions. Mr. Amaral asked about the Park Maintainer position that had bee asked for last year and it was confirmed that the position was already removed and not a part of the 2011-2012 Budget request.

Mr. Amaral asked about the Oakview Rd. playing field project and the capital request for a bulldozer and if it would be less expensive to hire a contractor. Ms. Mangold and Mr. Samuelson stated that it in fact was less expensive in the long term being done by the Town and that the equipment purchase is quickly paid back through use in several projects, such as the Reed School fields and Watertown Field. The machine also will be utilized frequently by the Highway Department. Both Departments coordinate the purchase of equipment so as to not duplicate and allow the borrowing of pieces for specific needs. Mr. Samuelson explained the several points of cost savings over contractor pricing for these projects and how quickly the machine is paid for through savings.

Mr. Woycik asked about salary un Adminstration #1002. The office staff component includes regular staff as well as extra summer staff to help with the extra workload of summer camps and water facilities. Samuelson and Reggiano are not bargaining unit employees but the rest of the staff are. Of concern was the overtime line, which was described as being needed for opening and closing gates to P&R facilities and springtime field preparation. Other cost items include plowing of facilities, as well as Fairfield Hills and other facilities in town. Discussion and concern from the Committee also related to the many other locations where plowing and maintenance is provided by the Department such as fire houses, ambulance, etc. The committee asked for a complete list of such sites.

Mr. Woycik asked about part time staff. Mr. Samuelson said that Teen Center Supervisors and Specialists, summer office help and the lifeguards for the Open Swim program at the High School, which represented $8,000, were all a part of that item. Additionally Eichlers Cove and Treadwell pool guards were included.

The Committee asked about the supervisory structure of Park Maintainers. Mr. Samuelson stated that there are two Supervisors, who are Town Hall Union members. He added that they have implemented a work order process, that in paper form may be similar to the automated process being looked at by the Town as part of the PW Sub Committee Ad Hoc Facilities Task Force, has been implemented for tasks and projects. This tool he says is helpful in ensuring worker productivity.

Mr. Woycik asked if there were any open positions and Ms. Mangold replied that there were not. Then it was asked what the impact would be if there was a reduction of staff. Mr. Samuelson described the process of several ongoing projects, such as Fairfield Hills maintenance, and the cost of Town operation and capital expense over contracting out, Looking over five years it often shows that Town operation is less expensive, however they continue to pursue quotes and bids to analyze this. Also Woycik asked if there were considerations of “legacy costs” of Town employees when doing analysis of the benefit of Town operated projects and the answer was yes.  

Mr. Amaral asked about the need to buy new mowers, such as the large Toro mower in the Budget. Mr. Samuelson explained the advantage of a 5 year lease and turn-in of older mowers. Also Mr. Amaral asked about the status of the maintenance building renovation. It was explained that it was almost done and that it would fit almost all of their equipment. Also discussed was the new parking area plan for Eichlers Cove and the likely less expensive security options for the boat slip area.

Ms. Mangold after thanking the Committee, ended their comments by stating that they took the Selectmen’s directive to cut costs seriously. By cutting $7,000 she emphasized that the requested Budget reflected her Department’s best effort to follow this.

Mr. Woycik stated that we would look to conduct a meeting within one week for the Committee to decide on its recommendation to the Council. Meeting time to be determined after polling the members.

The meeting adjourned at 3:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted by James Belden, Secretary